Hoffmann - Ochranné prostriedky

Power engineering - Engineering - information on the publication

We are preparing the 25nd edition of the yearbook     Companies Index Price list - Book

Power engineering and Engineering in Slovakia 2025

with a special attachment
Rankings of TOP 50 companies from individual industries

in cooperation with the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and its faculties FEI and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the University of Žilina, TU in Košice and the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic.

Media partner of professional exhibitions

Medzinárodný strojársky veľtrh Nitra AMPER 2018 Strojárstvo - Energetika

Media support

Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave (STU v Bratislave) logo logo logo Technická univerzita v Košiciach logo Žilinská univerzita v Žiline logo SPU Nitra Technická fakulta logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo SOŠT Piešťany logo SOŠT Zvolen logo SOŠT BA Vranovská

List of presented companies

Yearbook Energy Engineering 2025 Yearbook Energy Engineering 2024 Yearbook Energy Engineering 2023 Yearbook Energy Engineering 2022 Yearbook Energy Engineering 2021 Yearbook Energy Engineering 2020

So far, the following have confirmed their participation in the forthcoming issue:

A.G.E.S. s.r.o. OlcnavaABB, s.r.o.AFINIS Group s. r. o.Alpowder service s.r.o.Aluwatt, s. r. o.Anodian, s. r. o.Applipower, s.r.o.AWU Precision Slovakia k.s.BEZ TRANSFORMÁTORY, a.s.BK METAL, s.r.o.Camfil s.r.o.CNC frézovanie, s.r.o.CONEL, s.r.o.CVP Galvanika s.r.o.DATALAN Quality Instruments s.r.o.DELTA elektronika, s.r.o.Diagnostika-servis s.r.o.DIMER SLOVAKIA, s.r.oEDsmart MalackyEKOM spol. s r. o.ELEKTRO - HARAMIA s.r.o.ELEKTRO - MORVAY s.r.o.ELEKTROMONT TOPOĽČANY, s.r.o.ELIMER, a.s.ELKOND HHK, a.s.Elpro - Energo SK s. r. o.ELTEC, a.s.ELTERM s.r.o. - plynové infražiaričeELZA - Elektromontážny závod Bratislava, a.s.ELZIN, spol. s r.o. - galvanizovňaEPLAN Software s.r.o. - organizačná zložkaEZ-ELEKTROMONT, a.s.FENIX SLOVENSKO s.r.o.GALTEX spol. s.r.o.GAMAalumínium s.r.o.GEVORKYAN, a.s.GKW s.r.o.HEKA Solution, s.r.o.Herman Slovakia Production s.r.o.Hydro Extrusion Slovakia electronic, s.r.o.IFT InForm Technologies, a.s.INTECH, spol. s r. o.KOPOS Slovakia, s.r.o.MARPEX s.r.o. - priemyselná a procesná automatizáciaMegger s.r.o.MENERT spol. s r.o.Miba Sinter Slovakia s.r.o.OXYWISE, s.r.o.PPA CONTROLL, a.s.PREMETAL MON, s.r.o.RAFFENDAY SLOVAKIA s.r.o.Reca Slovensko s.r.o.REGULUS - TECHNIK, s. r. o.RITTAL, s. r. o.SALTEK Slovakia, s.r.o.SEZ DK a. s.Shrinktech s.r.o.SLER, s. r. o.Slovenský elektrotechnický zväz — Komora elektrotechnikov SlovenskaSOFTIP a.s.Stapa Slovakia s.r.o. - defektoskopiaSTEEL COLOR TECHNOLOGY, s.r.o.Steel Form, spol. s r.o.STENDHAL, s.r.o.ŠVEC a SPOL., s.r.o.TB TECHNIKA s. r. o.TECHNICKÁ DIAGNOSTIKA, spol. s r.o., PrešovTechnotrade SK, s. r. o. – hydraulické systémyZTS ELTOP spol. s r.o.

ročenka Energetika, Strojárstvo

24. vydanie Ročenky Energetika a Strojárstvo Slovenska 2024.

Ak máte záujem o ročenku, píšte, volajte:, +421 903 782 928

Our presentation offer for 2025

Price list of banners on the INFOMA portal

Order form

Do you want to place your company among major companies?

We look forward to answering all your questions and helping to put your company in the book and online. You can get information on the telephone number 0905 619 295 or e-mail address

See a sample of online advertising of selected companies

What can we offer you?

Free distribution

The main distribution of the book

Secondary distribution:

Basic information:

Language: Slovak (nomenclature also in English)
Influence: Slovak Republic
Circulation: 3,000 pcs
Media: book, internet
Year: 25th
Date of issue: November 2024
Deadline: October 30, 2024

Engineering - Category on website

  1. Engineering Materials and Components
    1. Metallurgical Semi-products and Products
    2. Engineering Products Manufactured by Other Industr
    3. Machine Parts
    4. Connecting and anchoring material
  2. Processing of Metals and Materials
    1. Machines for Metals Working, Shaping and Adjustmen
    2. Special Technologies of Materials Processing
    3. Surface treatment of metals and materials
    4. Welding and Welding Technology
    5. Technical Gases
    6. Tools and Instruments
  3. Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Compressors
    1. Hydraulics, Hydraulic Elements and Systems
    2. Pneumatics and Pneumatic Elements
    3. Compressors
    4. Fittings, Pumps and Distributions
    5. Filters, filtration
  4. Automation, Measuring, Regulation
    1. Automation and Control Technology
    2. Measuring and Regulation Technology
    3. Measuring and Laboratory Technology
    4. Diagnostics, Tribology
  5. Air-conditioning, Heating and Eco-technology
    1. Air-conditioning
    2. Refrigerating and freezing equipment, driers
    3. Heating of Buildings
  6. Machines, Equipment and Technology
    1. Transportation, Manipulation and Warehouse Technol
    2. ...for Other Industrial Sectors
    3. Assembly and Reconstruction of Machines and Techno
  7. Professional Services
    1. Science, Research, Education
    2. Testing, Standardisation, Certification, Metrology
    3. Engineering and Designing Services
    4. Service and Assembly Services
    5. Information Technology
    6. Ecology
    7. Water Management
    8. Associations and Organisations
  8. Related Services
    1. Financial and Economic Services
    2. Services Companies
    3. Fairs and Exhibitions

Power engineering and Gas - Category on website

  1. Power Engineering and Gas Industry.
    1. Electrical Energy
    2. Energy Sources and Equipment
    3. Thermal energy sources
    4. Energy Resources
    5. Heating of Buildings
    6. Automation and Measurement in Power Engineering
  2. Energy Suppliers
    1. Suppliers of electricity
    2. Gas suppliers
  3. Electrotechnics
    1. Heavy-current Electrotechnics
    2. Electrotechnical Materials, Wiring Systems
    3. Illuminating Engineering and Consumer Electrotechn
  4. Electronics and Communication Technology
    1. Electronic Devices, Elements and Nodes
    2. Telecommunication and Radiocommunication Equipment
    3. Collective Treatment of Electronic Waste
    4. Consumer Electronics
    5. Custom electronics manufacturing
  5. Gas Industry and Oil industry
    1. Gas
    2. Technical gases, special
    3. Gas Plant and Equipment
    4. Production, gas distribution
    5. Fuel, oil and lubricants
  6. Professional Services
    1. Science, Research, Education
    2. Testing, Standardisation, Certification, Metrology
    3. Professional consultancy and education
    4. Technical Examinations and Tests of Technical Equipment
    5. Associations and Organisations
    6. Ecology, waste disposal
  7. Related Services
    1. Fairs and Exhibitions


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