- A.G.E.S. s.r.o. Olcnava Olcnava
Production of machine units, preparations, parts and components - ABB, s.r.o. Bratislava
Prenos a rozvod elektrickej energie, riadenie energetických sietí, aut - AFINIS Group s. r. o. Bratislava
Comprehensive services in the field of production of seals and sealing - agrokomplex NÁRODNÉ VÝSTAVISKO, štátny podnik Nitra
Organizer of international fairs and exhibitions, provider of exhibiti - Applipower, s.r.o. Žilina
Back-up power supply and photovoltaic power plants, projection, delive - AutoCont Control, Ltd. Dolný Kubín
Distributor: Automation Technology Mitsubishi Electric - AWU Precision Slovakia k.s. Záborské
Production of high-precision induction hardened grinded cylindrical co - BEZ TRANSFORMÁTORY, a.s. Bratislava
Production of distribution transformers - BK METAL, s.r.o. Nitra
Chip machining and electroerosive cutting on CNC machines - Camfil s.r.o. Levice
Air conditioning and filtration solutions for all industries - CNC frézovanie, s.r.o. Bratislava - mestská časť Dúbravka
Custom CNC machining, metal production, engineering production - CONEL, s.r.o. Palárikovo
Distributor of industrial connectors and protective hoses - CVP Galvanika s.r.o. Příbram - Česká republika
Surface treatment of metals - DATALAN Quality Instruments s.r.o. Bratislava
Production quality control systems and industrial 3D technologies - DATRON-TECHNOLOGY s.r.o. Detva
CNC milling centers, carbide tools, vehicle dynamics measurement - DELTA elektronika, s.r.o. Banská Bystrica
Mounting of printed circuit boards from prototypes to serial productio - Diagnostika-servis s.r.o. Brezno
Condition monitoring of rotary machines, machinery alignment, lubrica - DIMER SLOVAKIA, s.r.o. Prievidza
Production of profile seals, hydraulic and flat seals - easytherm.sk s.r.o Stará Turá
Production and supply of measurement and control equipment - controlle - EDsmart Malacky Malacky
Language school, corporate training, accredited courses - EKOM spol. s r. o. Piešťany
Development, production and sale of compressed air supply equipment - ELEKTRO - HARAMIA s.r.o. Lozorno
Production of compact kiosk substation, switchgear - ELEKTRO - MORVAY s.r.o. Trnava
Comprehensive services in the field of electrical engineering (low cur - ELEKTROMONT TOPOĽČANY, s.r.o. Topoľčany
Low and high voltage electrical installation activities - ELEKTROSYSTEM, a.s. Žilina
Development, construction and service of information systems in the fi - ELIMER, a.s. Nové Mesto nad Váhom
Design, implementation, service and maintenance of high-current and lo - ELKOND HHK, a.s. Banska Bystrica - Hronsek
Slovak manufacturer of metallic cables and wires - Elpro - Energo SK s. r. o. Bratislava
Distribution and power transformers - ELTEC, a.s. Piešťany
Manufacturing electrical switchgear for industrial and residental use - ELTERM s.r.o. - plynové infražiariče Pezinok
Production of gas infrared radiators Termstar dark and recuperative Bl - ELZA - Elektromontážny závod Bratislava, a.s. Bratislava
Elektromontážne práce, montáže TV, MHD, železníc, meniarní - ELZIN, spol. s r.o. - galvanizing plant Prešov
Surface treatment of metals, galvanization - ENERGIA - Jarás, s. r. o. Bratislava - Ružinov
Energy consulting - EPLAN Software s.r.o. - organizačná zložka Malacky
Software and solutions provider for electrical engineering, automation - EVPÚ a.s. - Electrotechnical research and project institute Nová Dubnica
Research, development, production and service in the fields of electri - EZ-ELEKTROMONT, a.s. Bratislava
Dodávky, montáž, skúšky, merania, revízie NN a VN elektrozariadení - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology STU in Bratislava Bratislava - Karlova Ves
Modern and internationally recognized study, intensive research and de - Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies of the Technical University of Kosice with a seat in Prešov Prešov
Attractive study programs and a dedicated scientific space - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering STU in Bratislava Bratislava 1
The oldest and best faculty of mechanical engineering in Slovakia - FANUC Slovakia s.r.o. Nitra
Industrial robots, CNC control systems and CNC machines as part of aut - FENIX SLOVENSKO s.r.o. Banská Bystrica
Výroba a vývoj batérióvých a elektrických vykurovacích systémov - FOR Clean, a.s. Piešťany
Production and supply of cleanrooms and custom metal fabrication - GALTEX spol. s.r.o. Bratislava - mestská časť Podunajské Biskupice
Projection, service, reconstruction, modernization of calligraphy equi - GAMAalumínium s.r.o. Žiar nad Hronom
Manufacturing and trading company focused on machining and sales of al - GEVORKYAN, a.s. Vlkanová
World specialist in powder metallurgy technologies - GKW s.r.o. Nitra
Cables and wires, protective hose systems - GRAVITON s.r.o. - the weights of your thoughts Poprad
Development, production, service and sale of scales and weighing equip - HEKA Solution, s.r.o. Ždiar
The KNX system - an intelligent solution for electrical installation o - Herman Slovakia Production s.r.o. Revúca
Production of abrasive discs and sale of professional hand tools and t - Hoffmann Qualitätswerkzeuge SK s.r.o. Bratislava
Industrial tools and equipment - HrTech s.r.o. Bánovce nad Bebravou
Design and production of equipment for the automation of production pr - HYDAC, s.r.o. Martin
Design, sale and service of hydraulic components and systems - Hydro Extrusion Slovakia a.s. Žiar nad Hronom
Production and sale of aluminium profiles, anodizing, fabrication, com - ifm electronic, s.r.o. Bratislava
Priemyselná automatizácia, snímače polohy, tlaku, teploty, diagnostick - IFT InForm Technologies, a.s. Bratislava
Information and control systems in the power industry - IMP Kontakt, spol. s r.o. Bratislava
Self clinching fasteners, rivet nuts, fastening parts into metal sheet - INTECH, spol. s r. o. Bratislava
Engineering and Design Activities in chemical, petrochemical and pharm - JANEK metal-service s.r.o. Považská Bystrica
Production of molds for precision casting technology - KOBA STEEL s.r.o. Valaliky
Engineering custom production of spare parts and technology from metal - KompresoryMARKO s. r. o. Chynorany
Your partner for compressed air - KONTURA TECH s.r.o. Bratislava
Sale, service and rental of compressors, supply and installation of co - KOPOS Slovakia, s.r.o. Bratislava
Výrobca elektroinštalačného úložného materiálu - KOVO TOP, s.r.o. Nitrianske Pravno
Production and assembly of steel and stainless steel structures, engin - Lear Corporation Seating Slovakia s.r.o. Prešov
Development and production of seats and interior parts for cars - M & V SLOVAKIA, s.r.o. Púchov
Veľkoobchod: náradie, nástroje, meradlá, brusivo, zváracia technika, o - M. F. TEAM spol. s r. o. Bratislava
Sales, installation and servicing of air conditioning equipment, Daiki - MARKO MONTAGE s. r. o. Nitra
Your partner for HVAC and healthy air - MARPEX s.r.o. Dubnica nad Váhom
Elements and equipment for industrial automation - Maschinen - und Werkzeugbau, s.r.o. Galanta
Production of bending machines - Megger CZ s.r.o. - organizačná zložka Slovensko Bratislava
Electrical testing solutions from power generation to the power outlet - MENERT spol. s r.o. Šaľa
Automation, measurement and regulation of industrial processes, engine - METALTRIM, s.r.o. Oravská Jasenica
Professional engineering metalwork - Miba Sinter Slovakia s.r.o. Dolný Kubín
Production of parts with Powder Metallurgy - Microdis Electronics, s.r.o. Banská Bystrica
Distributor of electronic components in the countries of Central and E - Mikro trade s.r.o. Dunajská Streda
Development, production, service, revision of gas detectors and detect - MOBILENERGY - smart energy solutions Bratislava
Prenájom mobilných, vykurovacích a chladiacich zariadení - MOKI, s.r.o. Stará Turá
Production of cable bundles and switchboards, distribution of electric - MONT IRP s.r.o. Žilina
Production and assembly of welded steel structures: EXC2 ÷ EXC4: EN109 - MVM CEEnergy Slovakia s.r.o. Bratislava - mestská časť Ružinov
A reliable supplier of energy and related services - NZES energy s.r.o. Nové Zámky
Complete HV / LV services, supply and installation of photovoltaic pow - OXYWISE, s.r.o. Piešťany
Manufacturer of Oxygen and Nitrogen Generator and filling manifolds - PANAS Tools s. r. o. Hradište
Cutting tools, measurement, grinders, chemistry for welding and worksh - POWER BELT s.r.o. Galanta
Belt and chain drive parts, modular elements for conveyors, elements o - PPA CONTROLL, a.s. Bratislava
Supply devices for electricity, lighting, Industry automation, instrum - PREMETAL MON, s.r.o. Prešov
Technologies for storage, cleaning, drying and expedition of grains. P - PV-Lak s.r.o. Brodské
Professional powder coating and mobile sandblasting - RAFFENDAY SLOVAKIA s.r.o. Kolárovo
Production of cable bundles - Reca Slovensko s.r.o. Bratislava
Fasteners, tools, standardized parts - REGULUS - TECHNIK, s. r. o. Prešov
Wholesale heat pumps, solar collectors, recuperation, thermal stores a - RITTAL, s. r. o. Bratislava
Switchboard cabinets with accessories, cooling systems for electrical - ROEZ, s.r.o. Levice
Komplexný dodávateľ riešení strojných technológií pre jadrovú, klasick - SALTEK Slovakia, s.r.o. Bratislava
Development, production a sale (s) of surge protection devices - Secondary Technical School of Civil Engineering Liptovský Mikuláš
Vocational training for construction, engineering and electrical engin - SEZ DK a. s. Dolný Kubín
Slovak producer of electrical installation material - Shrinktech s.r.o. Komárno
Extrusion of insulating tubes and profiles from PVC, PE, PS, PP, ABS - Schaeffler Kysuce, spol. s r.o. Kysucké Nové Mesto
Výskum, vývoj a výroba produktov a riešení pre oblasť elektromobility - SIMAP GROUP, a.s. Trenčín
Distribution of components and solutions in industrial automation - SLER, s. r. o. Prešov
CNC obrábanie, zákazková kovovýroba, výroba nástrojov pre vstrekovac - Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Bratislava
University - Slovenský elektrotechnický zväz – Komora elektrotechnikov Slovenska Bratislava
Neziskové a nezávislé profesijné združenie elektrotechnikov - Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a.s. Bratislava
The largest energy supplier in Slovakia - SOFTIP a.s. Bratislava - mestská časť Petržalka
We help to better manage over 12 000 companies in Slovakia and abroad - Stapa Slovakia s.r.o. - defectoscopy Poprad
Defectoscopy, non-destructive testing, welding coordination, inspectio - STEEL COLOR TECHNOLOGY, s.r.o. Nitra
Blast machine and safety equipment - Steel Form, spol. s r.o. Piešťany
Metal sheet processing by use the most modern available CNC Laser and - STENDHAL, s.r.o. Bratislava
Predaj meracej a regulačnej techniky pre plynárenský priemysel, montáž - Stredná odborná škola polytechnická Dolný Kubín - Kňažia Dolný Kubín - Kňažia
A modern educational and training center operating in the area of lo - Stredná odborná škola polytechnická Ružomberok Ružomberok
Vocational training, especially for mechanical engineering, electrical - Stredná odborná škola strojnícka Bánovce nad Bebravou Bánovce nad Bebravou
Odborné vzdelávanie pre strojársky sektor - Stredná odborná škola strojnícka Kysucké Nové Mesto Kysucké Nové Mesto
Odborné vzdelávanie pre strojárstvo, elektrotechniku, poľnohospodárstv - Stredná odborná škola technická Piešťany Piešťany
Vocational education for engineering and electrical engineering - Stredná odborná škola technická Vranovská Bratislava Bratislava
Vocational school with a focus on engineering and goldsmithing - Stredná odborná škola technická Zvolen Zvolen
Vocational education for engineering and electrical engineering - Stredná priemyselná škola Dubnica nad Váhom Dubnica nad Váhom
Vocational education in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering - Stredná priemyselná škola elektrotechnická Adlerka Bratislava
Odborné vzdelanie v oblasti elektrotechniky a IT - Stredná priemyselná škola elektrotechnická Zochova Bratislava
Odborné vzdelanie v oblasti elektrotechniky a IT - Stredná priemyselná škola strojnícka Fajnorka Bratislava
Odborné vzdelávanie pre strojársky sektor - ŠVEC a SPOL., s.r.o. Vráble
Your partner for custom manufacturing - TB TECHNIKA s. r. o. Zemianske Kostoľany
Vzduchotechnika, výroba EC ventilátorov, rekuperácie, VZT potrubia a p - TECNOTRADE OBRÁBĚCÍ STROJE s. r. o., organizačná zložka Bratislava
Prodej a servis CNC obráběcích strojů, 3D tiskáren a fiber laserů - TECHNICKÁ DIAGNOSTIKA, spol. s r.o., Prešov Prešov
Technical diagnostics of machines and equipment, analysis of lubricant - Technotrade SK, s. r. o. – hydraulic systems Nová Dubnica
Sales and service of hydraulic components and systems - TELUX spol. Ltd. - placement of DPS Trebatice
Manufacture of electronic equipment - Terinvest, spol. s r. o. Praha
Organisation of prestigious Fairs - TME Slovakia, s.r.o. Žilina
Direct pan-European distribution: electronic, electrical and mechanica - TOPSOLID CZECH, s.r.o. Praha
CAD/CAM software TopSolid - ULBRICH Slovensko s.r.o. Bratislava
Specialists in the field of hydraulics, lubricants and sealants and ad - UNIKOL spol. s r.o. Vranov nad Topľou
Production, sale and rental of trailers and trailers Unikol - University of Žilina Žilina
Modern educational and scientific research institution - VAKUUMTECHNIK, s.r.o. Hlohovec 3
Výrobca vákuovej manipulačnej techniky - Vocational school of technology and craftsocational school of technology and crafts Bratislava
Center of vocational education and training: construction, engineering - YUSLO, s.r.o. Čadca
Projektové činnosti v oblasti technické, technologické a energetické v - Západoslovenská energetika, a.s. Bratislava
Sale and distribution of electricity and the provision of related comp - ZKW Slovakia s.r.o. Krušovce
Vývoj a výroba svetlometov a elektronických systémov pre automobilový - ZTS Elektronika SKS s.r.o. Nová Dubnica
Kalibrácie, merania, školenia, ESD audit, revízie, predaj, poradenstvo - ZTS ELTOP spol. s r.o. Nová Dubnica
Hitachi Energy (historical ABB) power semiconductor components. HITACH - ZWL Slovakia - Výroba ozubených kolies Sučany, s.r.o. Sučany
Production of components for automotive units (gearboxes, engines) - Alpowder service s.r.o. Žilina
Surface treatments – powder coating of all metal and aluminum produc - Aluwatt, s. r. o. Žilina
Metalworking, sheet metalworking: material separation, welding, bendin - Anodian, s. r. o. Žilina
Surface treatment of metals - anodic oxidation (elox) - Tibor PÓŇA Bratislava
Winding and repair of electric motors, chargers, microwave ovens, repa - VNZ - SK, spol. s r.o. Lietava
Purchase and sale of excess stocks of bearings and accessories, conser
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