- 3gon Slovakia, s.r.o. Galanta
Sales, rental, consulting and service: spraying and mapping drones, me - Aarsleff Hulín s.r.o. Hlohovec
Repairs and reconstruction of water pipes and sewers - ABRISO SK s.r.o. Čečejovce
Production of extruded polyethylene foam for the construction and pack - ACCORD stavebná kancelária, s.r.o. Banská Bystrica
Construction activity: water supply, sewerage and wastewater treatment - agrokomplex NÁRODNÉ VÝSTAVISKO, štátny podnik Nitra
Organizer of international fairs and exhibitions, provider of exhibiti - Airra Creative s.r.o. - Nebojsa architekta Dolný Kubín
Interior architecture studio dedicated to design, implementation of in - ALITREX s.r.o. Bratislava
Complete implementation of flat and sloping roofs - ALLIMPEX spol. s r. o. Bratislava
Aluminum ladders and scaffolding - sale and rental, special aluminum s - ANAVEK spol. s r.o. Bardejov
Roof foils, everything for the roof - ANTES GM, spol. s r.o. Trenčín
Safety and communication systems - ARBOR - okrasné a ovocné škôlky, s.r.o. Senec
Záhradnícka a sadovnícka činnosť, veľkoobchod, maloobchod - ARES, spol. s.r.o. Bratislava - mestská časť Nové Mesto
Comprehensive implementation of equipment for overcoming architectural - ARCHEOLOGICKÁ AGENTÚRA s.r.o. Bratislava
Privat company which offers achaeological services and consultancy. - AS TRADING spol. s r.o. - vedenie a predajno nájomný sklad Bratislava
Prenájom a predaj debnenia, lešenia, reziva a doplnkov k debneniu. - ATREA SK s.r.o. Komárno
Production of HVAC equipment, consultancy in the field of HVAC - ATREA SK s.r.o. - sales office Zvolen
Production of HVAC equipment, consultancy in the field of HVAC - AZ KLIMA SK s.r.o. Bratislava - mestská časť Ružinov
Complex realisation: Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Cooling - BAUSAD, spol. s r.o. - Showroom Bratislava
Podlahy drevené, laminátové, vinylové, predaj a realizácia - BELIMO Automation Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. Wien, Österreich
Drive solutions for heating control, ventilation and air conditioning - BTK - bývanie, teplo, klimatizácia, s.r.o. Bratislava
Construction activity, air conditioning, heating - heat pumps, air con - Building Products, s. r. o. Bratislava
Official sales representative for Slovakia and the Czech Republic of t - Calmit, spol. s r.o. Bratislava
Výroba a odbyt vápna, mletých vápencov, odsírovacej zmesi, cevamitu, v - Cech strechárov Slovenska Bratislava
Odborné profesijné združenie - CELOX spol. s r.o. Viničné
Production and sale of construction profiles and accessor - CEMMAC, a.s. Horné Sŕnie
We produce high-quality cements for domestic use of all types - Cor Metal, s.r.o. Istebné
Bending and cutting of reinforcing steel - DAKO Slovakia, s. r. o. Trenčín
Okná, vchodové dvere, tieniaca technika, montáž a servis - De Bondt, s.r.o. Trenčín
Designing and structural analysis of buildings. - Doprastav, a.s. Bratislava
Construction implementation - DPP Žilina, s.r.o. Žilina
Engineering geology, hydrogeology, geotechnics, field measurements - DREVODOM ORAVA, s.r.o. Podbiel
Výroba a montáž drevených domov a rekreačných chát - EDISON, s.r.o. Trenčín
Implementation and supply of materials for facades and insulation of h - EKOCLIM s.r.o. Poprad Poprad
Construction activities related to roofs, roof superstructures, facade - EL - Projekt Košice
Sales of WAT Franklinplus active lightning conductors, including acces - ELBA a.s. - Gateway Systems Division Kremnica
1st Slovak producer of garage and industrial gates - ELEKTRODESIGN ventilátory SK s.r.o. Bratislava
Wholesale of fans and accessories, fire and explosion-proof fans - Faculty of Architecture and Design STU in Bratislava Bratislava
Education, college, university faculty - Faculty of Civil Engineering STU in Bratislava Bratislava
Education, college, university faculty - FATRA IZOLFA, a.s. - waterproofing foils Partizánske
Supplier of waterproofing foils FATRAFOL - FRIG - PRODUCT spol. s r.o. Šamorín
Installation of Building services - Giacomini Slovakia s.r.o. Žilina
Importér komponentov pre vykurovanie, kotolne a rozvody vody - GLASORA a.s. Nitra
GLASORA is a manufacturer of insulating glass for windows and facades - HILTI Slovakia spol. s r.o. Bratislava
A global provider of comprehensive solutions and services for construc - HS HSV s.r.o. Košice
Construction and reconstruction of industrial buildings and units, imp - INFOS PROJEKT s.r.o. - statics of buildings Bratislava
Design Activities, statics of building structures - INREST, s. r. o. Považská Bystrica
Building cladding, waterproofing, plumbing production, investment unit - Internorma s.r.o. Bratislava
Window, door, shading system, pergolas, insect nets, garage door - IZOLFIT s.r.o. Košice
Izolácie potrubí UK, TUV a pary s oplechovaním, Vymeníkové stanice - JAMEX s.r.o. Považská Bystrica
Predaj betonárskej ocele, sietí do betónu, zváraných armokošov - JEGON, s.r.o. Michalovce
Architektonická kancelária - JK projekt, s.r.o. Levice
Projektovanie, realizácia stavieb a inžinierska činnosť. - K - Ten KOVO, s.r.o. Vysoká nad Kysucou
Processing of concrete reinforcement and production of metal furniture - KAMEXPERT s.r.o. Dolný Kubín
Výstavba nerezových komínov, revízie a čistenie komínov - Kaping s.r.o. Prešov
Implementation of transport, land, engineering and water management st - Karovič, s.r.o. Lozorno
Výroba a preprava certifikovaných betónových zmesí (transportbetónu) - Klima LG, s. r. o. Bratislava
Dodávka, montáž, servis klimatizácií, chladenia, tepelných čerpadiel - Klub ZPS vo vibroakustike, s.r.o. Žilina
Accredited testing laboratory for measurements of noise, vibration and - KOBIT - SK, s. r. o. Dolný Kubín
Production and sale of equipment for summer and winter maintenance of - KOLEX, s.r.o. Nitra
Distributor of construction equipment brands Putzmeister, Sany (concre - KOPOS Slovakia, s.r.o. Bratislava
Výrobca elektroinštalačného úložného materiálu - KORA MONT s.r.o. Močenok
Construction - assembly company - KOVODRUŽSTVO BRATISLAVA a. s. - Výroba a odbyt Bernolákovo
Výroba kovových zárubní, výroba kovových dverí, zákazková kovovýroba ( - KOVOVÉ PROFILY SR, spol. s r.o. Trenčín
Supplier of building cladding based on thin-walled profiles and provis - L-Construction, s.r.o. Bratislava
Construction works - LAMELLAND, s.r.o. Trenčín
Výroba a predaj garážových brán, markíz, pergol, žalúzií, sietí - LARKO s. r. o. Bratislava
Slaboprúde rozvody, EPS, PSN, CCTV a štruktúrovaná kabeláž - LB MINERALS SK, s.r.o. Košice
Mining and sale of ceramic and construction raw materials - LDM Bratislava s.r.o. Bratislava
Vývoj, výroba, predaj a servis priemyselných armatúr - MateoWood s. r. o. Lozorno
Výroba a predaj reziva, spracovanie guľatiny, výroba krovov na mieru, - MHHM s. r. o. Dolný Ohaj
Construction activity, reconstructions, plasterboard, thermal insulati - MPL TRADING, spol. s r. o. Bratislava
Network of warehouses and stores of building materials - Národná diaľničná spoločnosť a.s. Bratislava
Investor and management activities in the area of the highway program - Novosedlík, spol. s r.o. Nitra
General construction supplies, rental of warehouses, offices and retai - O.P.R. s.r.o. Košice
Stavebná činnosť: výstavby a rekonštrukcie stavebných obkektov - O.S.V.O. comp, a.s. Prešov
All-Slovak leader in the field of LED public lighting in cities and mu - OKNO servis s.r.o. Lučenec
Service and maintenance of windows and doors - P.T. – MONDY, s.r.o. - farby, laky, kovania Kežmarok
Comprehensive services in the field of paints and varnishes for wood - P3 Logistic Parks Slovakia s. r. o. Bratislava
A leading European investor and developer of industrial real estate - PEEG - brusivo, s. r. o. Bratislava
Predaj brúsnych a rezných kotúčov a brusiva - Peikko Slovakia s.r.o. Kráľová nad Váhom
Návrh a výroba oceľových nosníkov pre tenké stropné konštrukcie. - PEM - Haly, s.r.o. Košice
Construction of steel and concrete prefabricated halls - Poradca podnikateľa, spol. s r.o. Žilina
Current and professional information in the field of law, taxes and ac - PORFIX - pórobetón, a.s. Zemianske Kostoľany
Production and sale of building system for your rough construction - R-nábytok, s.r.o. Ružomberok
Kitchen and interior studio, custom-made kitchens - REGULUS - TECHNIK, s. r. o. Prešov
Wholesale heat pumps, solar collectors, recuperation, thermal stores a - REHAU, s.r.o. Bratislava
REHAU je medzinárodne uznávaný výrobca systémov v oblasti stavebníctva - REKMA - Trading, s.r.o. Holíč
Opravy a údržba ciest, letísk a mostov - REMU s.r.o. Pusté Úľany
Construction of turnkey houses and production and installation of cert - RENA NOVA, s.r.o. Blatnice pod Sv. Antonínkem
Road safety systems, barriers, shock absorbers, etc. - RONDO spol. s r.o. - maintenance of greenery Bratislava Bratislava
Cutting and trimming trees, working at heights - SALTEK Slovakia, s.r.o. Bratislava
Development, production a sale (s) of surge protection devices - Secondary Technical School of Civil Engineering Liptovský Mikuláš
Vocational training for construction, engineering and electrical engin - Secondary vocational school Považská Bystrica
Secondary technical school of building - Siemens Mobility, s. r. o. Bratislava
Comprehensive solutions in areas such as rolling stock, railway automa - SIKARD spol. s r. o. Bratislava
Projekty rodinných domov, Katalóg projektov rodinných domov – 1000 pro - SIMATT, s. r. o. Bratislava
Priemyselné podlahy, špeciálne technológie - SIPEUROPE s.r.o. Lužianky
Leading company of production and delivery of the SIP building system - Slovak association for passive fire protection Banská Bystrica
Improving the quality of fire safety during the construction and use o - SLOVECO, s.r.o. Košice
Import, predaj a realizácia priemyselných, stavebných výrobkov a systé - Slovenská asociácia výrobcov transportbetónu - SAVT Bratislava
Organizovanie odborných seminárov a konferencii; vydávanie odborných p - SOLEARIS, s. r. o. - project studio electro - high current Bratislava
Projection - technical assistance - high current - MaR - STACHEMA Bratislava, a. s. Rovinka
Construction Chemistry - STAUPRA s. r. o. Bratislava
Construction, interior, exterior, transport and implementation - STAVBA A INŽINIERING, s.r.o. Vráble
Earth and engineering constructions, construction supervision, dismant - STAVEBNÁ SPOLOČNOSŤ RAVING, a.s. Piešťany
Complete construction realization - STAVMAT STAVEBNINY, s.r.o. - headquarters Malacky
Network of 36 construction sites throughout the Slovak Republic, build - STIEBEL ELTRON Slovakia, s.r.o. Poprad
Manufacturer of innovative solutions for water heating, heating, venti - STRABAG s.r.o. - directorate Bratislava
Road construction, building construction, civil engineering, project d - Stredná odborná škola stavebná Nitra Nitra
Vocational training in construction and building trades - Stredná odborná škola stavebná Žilina Žilina
Center of vocational education and training in construction within ŽSK - Stredná priemyselná škola stavebná a geodetická Košice
Professional education in the field of construction, geodesy, cartogra - Stredná priemyselná škola stavebná Dušana Samuela Jurkoviča Trnava
Odborné vzdelávanie v oblasti staviteľstva, geodézie, kartografie, kat - Stredná priemyselná škola stavebná Nitra Nitra
Professional education in the field of construction, geodesy, cartogra - Stredná priemyselná škola stavebná Oskara Winklera - Winkler Oszkár Építőipari Szakközépiskola Lučenec
Vocational education in the fields of construction, geodesy, cartograp - Stredná priemyselná škola stavebná Prešov Prešov
Professional education in the field of construction, geodesy, cartogra - STRECHA - R s.r.o. Žilina - Mojšová Lúčka
Roofing and nailing works, installation of skylights - STRESTAV UNI s.r.o. Bratislava - mestská časť Ružinov
Kompletná realizácia plochých striech, terás, parkovísk, vegetačné str - SVT, s. r. o. Spišská Nová Ves
Exhibitions, Fairs, Advertising, Public procurement, Official representa - ŠEVČÍK, s. r. o. Trnovec nad Váhom
Roofs, insulation, reprofiling work, building insulation, masonry reno - Štátny fond rozvoja bývania Bratislava 37
Financing the construction and renewal of the housing stock through st - THERMO/SOLAR Ziar s.r.o. Žiar nad Hronom
Manufacturer of solar collectors and biomass boilers - TINRON, s.r.o. Pezinok - Grinava
Production of components for ventilation and air conditioning - Tyros Loading Systems SK, s.r.o. Vrbové
Váš dodávateľ vrátovej a nakladacej techniky. - UPONOR, s. r. o. Bratislava
Plumbing MLC and Wirsbo PEX-a pipe systems for tap water and radiator - VÁHOSTAV-SK-PREFA, s.r.o. Horný Hričov
Production and erection of prefabricated structures - Vaillant Group Slovakia, s.r.o. Skalica
Vykurovanie, chladenie, vetracie systémy, regulačná technika - Valbek SK, spol. s r. o. Bratislava
Complex design works not only for railways. - Veacom SK s.r.o. Trnava
Vehicle and special equipment auctions - VGP - industriálne stavby, s.r.o. Bratislava
Pan-European developer for logistics and semi-industrial buildings - Vikona, s. r. o. - new buildings on a turnkey basis Dohňany
Realization of monolithic and masonry buildings - Vistaco s.r.o. Bratislava
Authorized distributor of waterproofing films RubberCover™ EPDM spol. - Vocational school of technology and craftsocational school of technology and crafts Bratislava
Center of vocational education and training: construction, engineering - VOD - EKO a.s Trenčín Trenčín
Realization of building, industrial and civil engineering - VSK MINERAL s.r.o. Košice
Extraction of mineral deposits - VUIS – CESTY, spol. s r. o. Bratislava - Ružinov
Certification, research, testing, diagnostics and legislation in the f - wetBLOC, s.r.o. Šaľa
Sales, consulting, implementation and service of an autonomous fire ex - WINDOW GLASS, s.r.o. Dunajská Streda
Comprehensive services in the processing of flat glass and production - Wolf Slovenská republika s. r. o. Bratislava
Energy-efficient system solutions for heating and ventilation of build - ZAPA beton SK s.r.o. Bratislava
Production, transport and storage of concrete - TRIANGEL, s.r.o. Bratislava
Poradenstvo, predaj, montáž a servis vykurovacej techniky Proterm, Vai - AG - EXPERT, s.r.o. Bratislava
- AQUASECO s.r.o. Ivanka pri Dunaji
- BB AQEX, s.r.o. Banská Bystrica
- Benki Betons s. r. o. Trstice
- Compass Europe s. r. o. Senec
- Demänová Village - investing Bratislava
- DESTAV, spol. s r.o. Kysucké Nové Mesto
- ECOTECH-SLOVAKIA - inžinierska skupina Spišská Belá
- EDOORS s.r.o. Brezno
- HSF System SK, s.r.o. Žilina
- Ing. Miroslav Mularčík - MOVYROB Prešov
- KOREKTSTAV s.r.o. Bratislava
- Leier Baustoffe SK s.r.o. Bratislava
- MKPUR Lietavská Lúčka
- MV BUILDING, s.r.o. Košice
- OVENTROP, GmbH & Co.KG Hviezdoslavov
- PIO KERAMOPROJEKT, a. s. Trenčín
- PK Metrostav a. s. Žilina
- Ruukki Slovakia, s.r.o. Bratislava
- Zakládání staveb, a.s. organizačná zložka Bratislava Bratislava
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