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Basic information



Mining and sale of ceramic and construction raw materials

Tomášikova 35
043 22 Košice
Phone: +421 55 7980 501

ID: 36036455
VAT / Tax ID: SK2020064464
Customer: LB MINERALS SK, s.r.o.

Contact person

Ing. Martin Chrt, MBA – konateľ
Dr. Ráfik Jaramáni – konateľ
Ing. Henrich Hamrák – predajca, 0911 908 159

• Mining and sale of raw bentonite
• Mining and sale of raw kaolin
• Mining and sale of ceramic and refractory clays
• Mining, treatment and sale of gravels and sands
• Mining, treatment and sale of raw feldspar


LB MINERALS SK, s.r.o. is a member of Lasselsberger Group

Thanks to the wide spectrum of activities in the multinational company considered to be one of the leading suppliers of mineral raw materials in the Central Europe.

The company LB MINERALS SK, s.r.o. works on the field of mining, processing and selling mineral raw materials – kaolin, ceramic clays, feldspar, bentonite, sands and aggregates.

LB MINERALS SK, s.r.o. actually owns 6 mining areas all over the Slovak Republic – Michaľany (bentonite), Ťahanovce (ceramic clay), Rudník (kaolin), Rudník II (feldspar), Tomášovce (ceramic clay, refractory clay), Šaštín (quartz sands). Except of this the company rents the deposit of aggregates in the area of the village Drienovec (near to Košice).

Raw materials for ceramic industry – clays, kaolin and feldsar are the most various products. They are delivered homogenised or milled (feldspar) in bulk to the producers of building ceramics and fireproof materials.

Bentonites are mined in the eastern Slovakia and delivered predominantly for the production of cat litter adsorbents and special bentonite-mixtures (ceramic industry, building industry and waste management).

Quaztz sand is an important product in the portfolio of the company. Its use is in production of light-weigt building blocks, but most famous is its use as a special mortar sand. Sand from Šaštín can find its use in glass industry and in metallurgy too.

Aggregates – river gravel is the newest product, but it occupies very important place in portfolio of the company. LB MINERALS SK, s.r.o. is one of the most important suppliers of the aggregates for concrete-production in the region of Košice.

History of the company Lasselsberger in Slovak Republic

2004 – Incorporating of the company KERKO, a.s. into the group of Lasselsberger 2007 – Restructuring of the company KERKO, a.s. and delimitation of all activities connected with mining and processing of raw materials into the company KERKO – Perlit, a.s. 2008 – Change of the company name to LB MINERALS, a.s. 2014 – Plant Perlit in Lehôtka pod Brehmi excluded into a new company LB PERLIT, s.r.o. 2015 – LB PERLIT s.r.o. transformated through LB MINERALS and KNAUF into a joint venture LBK PERLIT, s.r.o.
24.7.2015 – change of the legal form to LB MINERALS SK, s.r.o.

Bentonite Lastovce

Bentonit is a clayey earth whose substantial component (45–55 %) is montmorillonite (hydrated alumina silicate of alkalis and alkaline earth), which is the base for its outstanding rheological and sorption quatilies. The colour of bentonite is very variable – from white, through yellow, brownish to red or dark grey depending on present of iron oxides or other substances.

Before use, bentonite is processed by drying, milling or physically and chemically activating. Processed bentonite finds a wide use in metallurgy, building industry, electrical engineering, agriculture and animal breeding, food industry or pharmaceutical industry.

Ceramic clays

The investigation of non-ore raw material deposits started in former Czechoslovakia in 1950s. Mainly raw materials suitable for manufacturing of ceramic production were looked for. Based on the results of this investogation 2 plants for ceramic tiles production were built (Mihalovce a Lučenec). The plant for stoneware pipes was built in Tomášovce. No one of these plants works in present. Today, only two deposits of ceramic raw materials are working and the raw materials are mined and delivered for production plants manufacturing ceramics: clay Tepličany and new deposit in Tomášovce is ready to be exploited after finishing work in the mine Gregorova Vieska.

Clay Tepličany

The Clay Tepličany is a plastic ceramic raw material used mostly for manufacture of building ceramics (floor-tiles, wall-tiles, stoneware and similar products). Its characteristic qualities are high strength after drying and sintering during firing. It can as well be applied in foundries for preparation of synthetic moulding mixtures for dry-sand moulds used for producing castings from grey cast iron.

Clay is delivered in bulk. Clay is mined in a quarry and is transpoted to the stockpile in Kostoľany nad Hornádom. Loading and delivery is organised on that stockpile during the year (except of winter months 12, 1, 2). Loading can be postponed or abolished during any time of the year because of extremely bad weather conditions (longterm heavy reins i.e.).

Clay Tomášovce

Clay Tomášovce is a plastic ceramic raw material applicable in the manufacture of ceramic buildings materials. Its characteristic qualities are high binding power, wide thermal interval of body sintering and high resistance of the sintered body to acids. It is characterized by refractory properties. Clay is mined selectiv and stocked on separated homogenous stockpiles near to the quarry. One part of material is stocked in covered boxes in Tomášovce. Expedítion by trucks.


Feldspars are anhydrous aluminosilicates, they were created in crystallizing process of volcanic rocks. The deposit of Rudnik-feldspar originates in granitoids and products of their hydrothermal change and albitisation. The exploitation of the deposit started in 2008, the possibilities of its use in ceramic industry are actually tested. Ther are 3 quality groups of feldspar in the deposit, the difference is predominantly in iron-content. The raw material is actually processed in two main steps – the first step is mining and sorting material to the size 20–80 mm. This process is aimed on the reducing of iron content, which are concentrated in small particles of soil mixted to the feldspar rocks. Aggregate in the size of 20–80 mm is crushed to 0–4 mm and washed. The iron content in crushed and washed material is 0,9–1,1 %. Feldspar is actually used in plants for building ceramics of the LASSELSBERGER Grou­p.


Raw kaolin Rudník is a non consolidated or slightly consolidated, strongly clayish, sandy gravel material of grayish-white to light beige colour. Kaolin is used as an additive ceramic raw material for building ceramic production (ceramic floor-tiles, wall-tiles or sanitary ware).

The raw kaolin is mined in a quarry near to the village Rudnik. The quarry has been working since 1996. After mining, material is transported to the stockpile near to the quarry. Kaolin is delivered in bulk, loading on the trucks directly on the stockpile near to the quarry.

Sands and Aggregates

Natural sands are product of weathering and were created during all geological periods. The deposits of quartz sands of high purity are quietly infrequent. Deposits were usually cerated through the process of sedimentation during long periods and were influenced by many other materials. This involved the heterogenous character of sediments. At contrast, sand deposits in the Záhorská nížina (Záhorská lowland) region originate from sand dunes of Morava river alluviums and were transported to the region by wind as extremely pure homogenous material. The rounded shape of grains is typical attribute of sands in this region and gives the sand special properties.

Natural coarse aggregate from the mine Šaštín – Stráže

Originates from sand dunes of Morava river alluviums. The major component of the sand is quartz (95–98 % SiO2), the rest consists of alkalis and iron oxides. Sand – coarse aggregates 0/1 from the quarry Šaštín-Stráže is used predominantly:

  • for building industry for buildings, roads, engineering constructions and as aggregate to concrete
  • highly convenient as an aggregate for mortar
  • as an aggregate for bitumenous mixtures and surface treatment for roads, airfields and other traffic areas
  • for constructions of golf courses, beach and other sportfields and horseriding areas

For special purposes, sand can be processed by washing to remove even the smallest remants of organic material and reduce the content of fine particles.


LB Minerals SK, s.r.o. started working in locality of Drienovec in September 2008. After removing of elderly technology a new production line was built, which ensures high quality washing and sorting of the natural river aggregates. We offer to our customers natural not crushed aggregate of fractions from 0/1 to fraction over 63 mm.

Thanks to the high quality production process the produced gravel is considered to be high clean and the grain size of the fractions is very similar to the ideal grain size curve for all purposes.

Sands and gravels are actually delivered in bulk by truck transport.

Published: 11. 3. 2024



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Company Details LB MINERALS SK, s.r.o. verified: 11. 3. 2024
Internet Complete Entry. Published 4. 12. 2018

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