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Basic information



Leading company of production and delivery of the SIP building system

Rastislavova 139
951 41 Lužianky
Mobile: +421 911 031 081
ID: 47589094
VAT / Tax ID: SK2023998922
Customer: SIPEUROPE s.r.o.

Contact person

Martin Tuček - projektový manažér +421911357355
Ján Vrška - projektový manažér +421911031081

• Production and delivery of the SIP building system
• Engineering services - design of buildings, static assessment of buildings
• Consulting services in the field of wooden buildings
• Training for assembly and construction companies
• Construction services

Keywords: low-energy buildings, sustainable buildings, wooden buildings, passive buildings, family houses, administrative buildings, school, kindergarten, superstructure, extension, reconstruction, modular building, prefabricated building, modern architecture

Sustainable building system SE-SIP for low-energy and passive buildings

One of the biggest challenges of the future in the construction industry is to solve the construction of low-energy and passive buildings, in accordance with increasingly strict requirements for sustainability and thermal insulation properties of buildings.

To solve this problem, prefabricated off-site construction methods are becoming increasingly popular. One such method is SIPEUROPE's SE-SIP building system, which can significantly improve construction speed, provide excellent thermal insulation properties, and at the same time give architects considerable freedom in building design.

The building system consists of a prefabricated panel system made of SIP panels (Structural Insulated Panel). The panel is made of two layers of 15 mm OSB TOP4, between which an insulating core of self-extinguishing EPS, NEOPOR or PIR is inserted. Panels are precisely cut to the specific specifications of each project at the factory, including construction openings. Such a system eliminates the risks of additional errors during construction. With the SE-SIP construction system, it is possible to solve the foundation of the building, the construction of external perimeter walls, internal partitions, ceilings, flat and pitched roofs. It can be used in the construction of family houses, apartment buildings, administrative buildings, industrial buildings, schools and kindergartens, recreational buildings, cottages and houseboats.

The SE-SIP building system is also an ideal solution for superstructures and extensions. The panels can be quickly installed by a small team of glazed installers using a dry construction process that is less dependent on the weather than traditional conventional materials. Thus, the rough structure of buildings can grow within a few days. The outer surface of the panels also provides a suitable base for various facade finishing options, including plaster, brick cladding, or ventilated facade systems. It goes without saying that comfortable management of the construction without unnecessary interruptions due to subcontracts. The SE-SIP prefabricated building system is an ideal solution for the construction of sustainable low-energy and passive buildings.

Published: 13. 2. 2024



Place on the map


SIP building system
SIP building system

Presentation in the Yearbook

Presentation in the publication Building 2024
Presentation in the publication Building 2024
Presentation in the publication Building 2023
Presentation in the publication Building 2023

Company Details SIPEUROPE s.r.o. verified: 13. 2. 2024
Internet Complete Entry. Published 3. 2. 2023

Yearbook BUILDING 2023Yearbook BUILDING 2024

Number of visits. Last year: 288, This year: 9, This month: 9, Today: 1



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