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List of Articles - INFOMA

Agroinstitut Nitra, state enterprise

Agroinstitut Nitra, state enterprise is almost 50 years deparmently educational institution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak republic. It provides a broad portfolio of services mainly in the area of continuing vocational lifelong education, training and certification of Agricultural advisors, compiles specialized library collection, ensures effective and efficient access to information and information resources through information services and information technology. Portfolio of services is completed by hotel and conference services… Read more

Published: 11. 7. 2019
Autor: Agroinštitút Nitra, štátny podnik - zrušená, Nitra

KOMODEX Ltd. – Trade and intermediary services in agricultural industry export, import.

The company was established in 2010 . According to the long-term business contacts in the agribusiness and in processing industry of the Slovak Republic and in Europe we can secure for our business partners:… Read more

Published: 3. 7. 2019
Autor: KOMODEX s.r.o., Prešov


GASTRO-HAAL, s.r.o. is a Slovak manufacturer of BOILING PANS, OVENS, RANGES AND STOVES, TILTING BRATT PANS, STOCK POT RANDES, BAIN MARIES since 26 years. Complementary products of the company are stainless steel kitchen furniture, dishwashers, cleaning detergents, mobile pizza oven, robot coupe, convection oven, and many other high quality catering products that help customers find everything they need at the same time… Read more

Published: 28. 6. 2019
Autor: GASTRO - HAAL, s.r.o., Nové Zámky

Rajecké Teplice - APHRODITE

Excellent medical care, natural thermal healing water, comfortable accomodation together with exquisite services make you enjoy each moment in spa Aphrodite, Rajecke Teplice, Slovakia… Read more

Published: 9. 4. 2019
Autor: Slovenské liečebné kúpele Rajecké Teplice, a.s., Rajecké Teplice

Health Spa Piešťany - Paradise for body and soul

Natural healing sources – thermal mineral water and unique sulphuric mud – are the cornerstones of the Piešťany spa… Read more

Published: 8. 4. 2019
Autor: Slovenské liečebné kúpele Piešťany, a.s., Piešťany


More than 65-year-long history and approximately 350 water, hydro-power and engineering structures in Slovakia briefly describe the tradition of the VODOHOSPODÁRSKA VÝSTAVBA, STATE ENTERPRISE (hereinafter also VV, s. e.). The company, which is a sectoral organization of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic, was established in 1953 as a „Water management and development center“ in order to prepare and create significant investments in the development of water management… Read more

Published: 4. 4. 2019

Krupina is one of the oldest towns in Slovakia

Krupina is one of the oldest towns in Slovakia. Krupina received town privileges in 1238. The oldest written reference was built dates back to 1135 to a deed of King Belo II… Read more

Published: 2. 4. 2019
Autor: Mesto Krupina, Krupina

Town of Nováky

The Town of Nováky is located in the centre of the Hornonitrianska valley. It is situated 140 km away from Bratislava and forms part of the Trenčín Self-Governing Region. The fi rst written mention about Nováky dates back to 1113 and is recorded in the Zobor Document of the Zobor Abbey… Read more

Published: 28. 3. 2019
Autor: Mesto Nováky, Nováky

The Town of High Tatras

The Town of Vysoké Tatry has an area of 360 km² and is therefore one of the largest towns in Slovakia. It covers a major part of the mountains of the same name and consists of 15 town districts, originally independent settlements that were gradually integrated into a single territorial unit… Read more

Published: 11. 3. 2019
Autor: Mesto Vysoké Tatry, Vysoké Tatry

In the context of production

At Smurfit Kappa Group, global packaging development is performed in several ways. For example, the fast-growing e-commerce segment that represents packaging used for goods bought online and their subsequent distribution from one corner of the world… Read more

Published: 1. 3. 2019
Autor: Smurfit Kappa Obaly Štúrovo, a.s., Štúrovo

Hotel Yasmin**** Košice

Let yourself be allured by elegance and functionality of modern lifestyle. Whether you are looking for a comfortable business hotel in the city center or a romantic weekend getaway, Hotel Yasmin **** is the right place! Hotel Yasmin **** will charm you with its harmonious interior, modern equipment, and exceptional quality of service… Read more

Published: 25. 2. 2019
Autor: Hotel Yasmin**** Košice, Košice

Business hotel Astrum Laus****

The Astrum Laus**** business hotel was opened to the general public in October 2010 right in the centre of the town of Levice. It results in a combination of seriousness and luxury with a true playfulness of colours and unusual forms. The modern interior designed in an ingenious way combines metal and glass with natural materials such as wood and stone. Together with light effects, it creates a pleasant and serious business style atmosphere… Read more

Published: 18. 2. 2019
Autor: Business hotel Astrum Laus****, Levice

Považská Bystrica

Považská Bystrica is situated in the heart of the Upper Váh Region. Since long ago, the town has been connected to one of the most significant waterways in Slovakia – the Váh River. The surroundings of the Váh River and several water dams, especially the beautiful Nosice, are among popular and much-sought-after destinations for bikers and lovers of water and fishing… Read more

Published: 13. 2. 2019
Autor: Mesto Považská Bystrica, Považská Bystrica

The Hotel Artin***

The ARTIN Hotel is located in the center of the town of Bardejov, approximately 200 meters from the main square (Radničné námestie). The hotel has available 2 suites, 12 twin rooms, 3 double rooms with extra bed and 1 triple room. All rooms are equipped with a toilet, a shower or a bath, TV, telephone, a fridge / mini-bar and internet connection. The hotel has its own restaurant, winter garden, a lounge and Lobby bar (open 24 hours)… Read more

Published: 11. 2. 2019
Autor: Hotel Artin***, Bardejov

Prievidza - The Heart of the Upper Nitra Region

The first settlements of nowadays Prievidza date back to the Stone Age. During the Bronze Age, the area of Prievidza was settled by the Urnfield People who built a settlement at what is today known as Námestie slobody square. The region of Prievidza is believed to have been part of the Nitra Principality in the 7th and 8th centuries and later of the Great Moravian Empire… Read more

Published: 8. 2. 2019
Autor: Mesto Prievidza, Prievidza

LEVOČA – the Past and the Present

Since the Middle Ages, Levoča has been known as the capital of the Association of Spiš Germans, an independent free royal town with many privileges, the centre of international trade, the seat of Spiš county, and the cultural and social centre of the nearby municipalities… Read more

Published: 1. 2. 2019
Autor: Mesto Levoča, Levoča

Hydraulically powered irrigation systems

T-L s.r.o. is exclusive dealer of T-L Irrigation Co., Hastings-Nebraska, which is developing and manufacturing hydrostatic drive irrigation systems over 65 years. T-L center pivots and linears are unique with hydrostatically powered for continuous movement. This is especially benefical on low pressure systems, where uniform water application is critical for irrigation- applied fertilizer, herbicides… Read more

Published: 18. 6. 2018
Autor: T-L s.r.o., Bratislava

Hotel Hviezdoslav **** Kežmarok

Hotel Hviezdoslav **** is the first boutique hotel in the High Tatras, in the historical centre of the royal town Kežmarok. The hotel owes its name to the most famous Slovak writer Pavol Orságh-Hviezdoslav. The amazing location of the hotel is at the junction of three national parks, Tatra National Park, Pieniny and the National park of Slovenský raj, and was also beautifully expressed by this incredibly talented writer's words: “I am greeting you, the forests, the mountains, I am greeting you from the bottom of my heart!“… Read more

Published: 19. 4. 2018
Autor: Boutique Hotel Hviezdoslav **** Kežmarok, Kežmarok

Waterborne Transport Development Agency

Upgrade of Gabčíkovo locks is part of a Global Project which aims to upgrade the Gabčíkovo locks to ensure good navigation status in the Slovak part of the Danube and along the Rhine – Danube core network corridor.

Gabčíkovo locks are located at river km 1,820 of the Danube in proximity of the Hungarian border. The current structure of the locks consists of several infrastructure components which need to be upgraded/replaced to maintain stable and safe navigation. The Gabčíkovo water structure is characterized by two lock chambers and a hydraulic power station… Read more

Published: 11. 4. 2018
Autor: Agentúra rozvoja vodnej dopravy - ARVD >>>zrušená od 1.11.2018, Bratislava


A 65-year-long history and more than 350 water, hydro-power and engineering structures in Slovakia briefly describe the tradition of the VODOHOSPODÁRSKA VÝSTAVBA, STATE ENTERPRISE (hereinafter also VV, s. e.). The company, which is a sectoral organization of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic, was established in 1953 as a „Water management and development center“ in order to prepare and create significant investments in the development of water management… Read more

Published: 10. 4. 2018

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