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List of Articles - INFOMA

Bratislava Region

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Published: 14. 2. 2010
Autor: Bratislavský samosprávny kraj, Bratislava

The Prešov Region

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Published: 14. 2. 2010
Autor: Prešovský samosprávny kraj, Prešov


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Published: 3. 4. 2009
Autor: HOTEL BRATISLAVA**** Bratislava, Bratislava

Town of Michalovce

Michalovce is the economic, administrative and cultural centre of lower Zemplín… Read more

Published: 1. 3. 2009
Autor: Mesto Michalovce, Michalovce

City of Senica

Senica, the district town with over 20 000 inhabitants, is the biggest administrative, economic and cultural centre of the northern part of the Záhorie. It has advantageous location nearby the borders with Czech Republic and Austria and its further development is connected with the cross border cooperation… Read more

Published: 1. 3. 2009
Autor: Mesto Senica, Senica

Welcome to the Banska Bystrica region

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Published: 1. 3. 2009
Autor: Banskobystrický samosprávny kraj, Banská Bystrica


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Published: 1. 3. 2009
Autor: Nitriansky samosprávny kraj, Nitra

Town of Giraltovce

The town Giraltovce laying on the south of Nizke Beskydy and two rivers, namely Topľa and Radomka, flow trough the town… Read more

Published: 23. 10. 2008
Autor: Mesto Giraltovce, Giraltovce

Rimavská Sobota

With the first record of this town dating back to 1270, the town Charter was granted to Rimavská Sobota on the 5th May 1334, and this day is celebrated as the Town day… Read more

Published: 23. 10. 2008
Autor: Mesto Rimavská Sobota, Rimavská Sobota

Town of Rožňava

Rožňava is a district town in the Košice county. The town is one of the cultural, administrative and industrial centers of the region… Read more

Published: 23. 10. 2008
Autor: Mesto Rožňava, Rožňava

Town of Topoľčany

District town Topoľčany is a small town with the beautiful dominant square and scenic coves, visiting this will make nice experiences… Read more

Published: 23. 10. 2008
Autor: Mesto Topoľčany, Topoľčany

City of Trnava

The city of Trnava is located in the middle of the Trnava hill country, 50 km far from the capital of Slovakia – Bratislava, and 110 km far from the capital of Austria – Vienna. Belo IV, Hungarian King, had granted the privileges of a royal town to Trnava in 1238… Read more

Published: 23. 10. 2008
Autor: Mesto Trnava, Trnava

Town of Zilina
The metropolis of Northern Slovakia

Zilina is situated near the Czech Republic and Poland and it is an important junction of roads that connects Northern Europe with East and West Europe… Read more

Published: 23. 10. 2008
Autor: Mesto Žilina, Žilina


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Published: 1. 3. 2008
Autor: Trnavský samosprávny kraj, Trnava

City of Banská Bystrica

The city of Banská Bystrica is the most important historical, cultural and economic centre of the central Slovakia (Slovak Republic)… Read more

Published: 30. 1. 2008
Autor: Mesto Banská Bystrica, Banská Bystrica

The town of Nová Dubnica

Nová Dubnica lies in a picturesque area of Central Považie in the Ilava basin stretching from northeast to southeast. It is a modern and young town, built only in the 50’s of the 20th century… Read more

Published: 30. 1. 2008
Autor: Mesto Nová Dubnica, Nová Dubnica

Town of MEDZEV

Town Medzev was established by German colonists invited to the country in 1241, after the Tartar attacks, by the Hungarian king Béla IV messengers… Read more

Published: 25. 1. 2008
Autor: Mesto Medzev, Medzev

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