Hoffmann - Ochranné prostriedky

List of Articles - Slovak Engineering

Specialists for the field of civil and defense industry.

MSM GROUP is an umbrella company of subsidiaries with a portfolio in the field of defense and civil industry. The group's goal is to strategically lead the subsidiaries to effectively acquire and manage orders within their offer and deliver reliable and top-quality products and services to their customers… Read more

Published: 6. 12. 2022
Autor: MSM GROUP s.r.o., Dubnica nad Váhom

Sharvan Bike – the first growing bike in the world

This year's cycling season will be marked again by a huge demand for bicycles. Considering the current situation, it is no wonder that interest in clearing one's mind and cycling has increased. This year's techno­logical innovation – the unique Sharvan city bike, which is developed by the LPH group, went into mass production from 5/2022… Read more

Published: 9. 9. 2022
Autor: Sharvan bike - Project M1 s. r. o., Ľubotice

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