Hoffmann - Ochranné prostriedky

List of Articles - Automation and Control Technology

SIMAP GROUP - A reliable partner in industrial automation and innovation

At SIMAP GROUP, we are supplying comprehensive solutions for industrial automation and industrial marking, distributing automation components and machines to leading companies in Slovakia and the Czech Republic for 15 years… Read more

Published: 13. 10. 2020
Autor: SIMAP GROUP, a.s., Trenčín

Laser marking

Laser marking is the most effective and the cheapest type of industrial marking. Of all the types of industrial marking, lasers operate with the lowest operating costs. How is it possible? They are basically simple in construction without mechanical parts and at the same time do not need any consumables for operation other than electricity… Read more

Published: 13. 10. 2020
Autor: SIMAP GROUP, a.s., Trenčín

Innovation of production with Industry 4.0

The innovations coming with Industry 4.0 bring with them a number of changes. These are most felt in the economy and the work segment due to the complete restructuring and change of social habits related to the change of consumer behavior… Read more

Published: 13. 10. 2020
Autor: SIMAP GROUP, a.s., Trenčín

Intelligent robotics with Mitsubishi Electric

Industrial robots are an integral part of industrial automation. Thanks to innovative technologies, with the growing number of robotic applications, we are successfully increasing production volumes while reducing costs… Read more

Published: 13. 10. 2020
Autor: SIMAP GROUP, a.s., Trenčín

We are SOS electronic

We are a transnational distributor of electronic components for industrial production. We specialize in verified world brands with design-in emphasis. Thus, we are with you already during the design and development of the devices. Customers are most grateful for the individual service and support. SOS electronic is a part of the strong German holding, Conrad Electronic… Read more

Published: 8. 9. 2020
Autor: SOS electronic s.r.o., Košice

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