- ABC Food Machinery spol. s r.o. Bratislava
Turnkey cooling and heating. Production of heat pumps, chillers and co - ABC Food Machinery spol. s r.o. - prevádzka Kokava nad Rimavicou
Turnkey cooling and heating. Production of heat pumps, chillers and co - FRIG - PRODUCT spol. s r.o. Šamorín
Installation of Building services - LUKNAR s. r. o. Bratislava
Machines for gastronomy and food industry: design, sales, assembly and - SKOT, s. r. o. Pezinok
Comprehensive services in the field of cooling, air conditioning and g - CLIMAPORT s.r.o. Nitra
- FANS, a.s. - organizačná zložka Bratislava Bratislava
- FROST - service, s.r.o. Lednické Rovne
- JDK Slovakia, spol. s r.o. Nitra
- KLIMAK, s.r.o. Nitra
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