- Doprastav, a.s. Bratislava
Construction implementation - HS HSV s.r.o. Košice
Construction and reconstruction of industrial buildings and units, imp - Kaping s.r.o. Prešov
Implementation of transport, land, engineering and water management st - Národná diaľničná spoločnosť a.s. Bratislava
Investor and management activities in the area of the highway program - REN - INVEST, s.r.o. Tovarníky
Implementation of land and traffic constructions, construction of indu - Siemens Mobility, s. r. o. Bratislava
Comprehensive solutions in areas such as rolling stock, railway automa - STRABAG s.r.o. - directorate Bratislava
Road construction, building construction, civil engineering, project d - STRABAG s.r.o. - traffic construction Bratislava
Implementation and reconstruction of road constructions, engineering n - VÁHOSTAV-SK-PREFA, s.r.o. Horný Hričov
Production and erection of prefabricated structures - VUIS – CESTY, spol. s r. o. Bratislava - Ružinov
Certification, research, testing, diagnostics and legislation in the f - Amberg Engineering Slovakia, s.r.o. Bratislava
- AVA-stav, s.r.o. Galanta
- Beťkoprojekt, s.r.o. Ružomberok
- BUNG Slovensko s.r.o. Bratislava
- DSC BUILDING, a.s. Bratislava
- EUROVIA SK, a.s. Košice
- HOCHTIEF CZ a. s. Praha 5
- HOCHTIEF SK s.r.o. Bratislava
- IDOS, spol. s r.o. Košice
- Koľajové a dopravné stavby s.r.o. Košice Košice - mestská časť Juh
- OBERMEYER HELIKA s. r. o. Bratislava - mestská časť Karlova Ves
- SATES, a.s. - traffic signs Považská Bystrica
- SEMOS, spol. s r.o. Prešov - v konkurze Prešov
- SIGNATECH spol. s r. o. Častá
- Skanska SK a.s. Bratislava
- SMP CZ, a. s. - Stavby mostů Praha Praha 4
- SMS a.s. Banská Bystrica
- Špeciálne cestné práce KOREKT spol.s.r.o. Komárno
- TSS Bratislava, a.s. - v konkurze Trnava
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