- JK MACHINERY, s.r.o. Praha 4
Manufacture of machinery and equipment for cleaning, sorting, peeling - P3 Logistic Parks Slovakia s. r. o. Bratislava
A leading European investor and developer of industrial real estate - PREMETAL MON, s.r.o. Prešov
Technologies for storage, cleaning, drying and expedition of grains. P - SEMITECH s.r.o. - commercial and technical representation of JK Machinery for the Slovak Republic Senica
We supply complete post-harvest processing of cereals, legumes, crops, - cargo-partner SR, s.r.o. Bratislava
- ČSAD Invest Logistics, s.r.o. Bratislava
- MJM agro Slovakia, s.r.o. Levice
- Poľnoslužby Bebrava, a.s. - spoločnosť zanikla v dôsledku zlúčenia s ACHP Levice a.s. 1.1.2024 Rybany
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