Hoffmann - Ochranné prostriedky

List of Articles - Suppliers of electricity

Interview: Customer care is the way in difficult times

The year 2020 was a year of economic depression, while 2021 brought an economic recovery. Optimistic prospects were accompanied by concerns about inflation, but what happened on the energy market could not have been foreseen. We tell you more about what the year 2021 was like, and how it impacted activities of Slovak energy suppliers in 2022 in the interview with Juraj Bayer, Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Manager of Východoslovenská energetika a.s… Read more

Published: 25. 11. 2022
Autor: Východoslovenská energetika a.s., Košice

Wind of change in energy business. innogy is there.

RWE decided to comprehensively restructure the Group. We have bundled the business segments of Renewables, Grid & Infrastructure, and Retail in a new subsidiary called innogy. RWE AG will continue to focus on conventional electricity generation and energy trading; it will also remain the majority shareholder in the new subsidiary in the long term. And in autumn 2016 we are focusing on those changes and are bringing the new innogy brand to the Slovak market… Read more

Published: 23. 9. 2016
Autor: Východoslovenská energetika a.s., Košice

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