Hoffmann - Ochranné prostriedky

List of Articles - Machine Parts

For more than 60 years

For more than 60 years AWU belongs to the leading manufacturers of highly precise, cylindrical, induction hardened and grinded components. However different their application might be, there are some similarities all products share ..... Read more

Published: 18. 10. 2023
Autor: AWU Precision Slovakia k.s., Záborské

We look after your drive

The NZWL group is an international operating manufacturer of engine and transmission parts (gears, synchronization, shafts), transmission components and completely assembled transmissions for the automotive industry… Read more

Published: 11. 9. 2023
Autor: ZWL Slovakia - Výroba ozubených kolies Sučany, s.r.o., Sučany

Special engineering parts of the highest quality

Our company has been operating on the Slovak market since 1997, so we can offer you proven suppliers, our experience and customer care at an above-standard level, as evidenced by our references… Read more

Published: 25. 10. 2021
Autor: IMP Kontakt, spol. s r.o., Bratislava

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